Greg Gonzalez’s

creative & writing portfolio

Apart from helping produce L.A. Meekly and Candy is Dandy, Greg also wrote materials for Glendale Library Arts & Culture, which include news releases, text for an interactive gallery exhibit, an old-timey audio tour, and a recorded segment of L.A. history to coincide with an author’s book release.

Library News Releases & Events:

During my time as a Library Assistant at The Brand Library and Art Center, part of my job was to keep the community updated on the Glendale Library. I wrote online news releases, library event promotions, and database tutorials. Have a look at the article tittles, descriptions and links below -

  • Los Angeles County has been living under the shadow of COVID-19 for the better part of the past two months. Through this incredibly trying time across the world, Glendale Library, Arts & Culture has found new ways to help.

    Click here to read the full article.

  • Public libraries have long been some of the best examples of democratic institutions. As of July 2020, Glendale Library, Arts & Culture is eliminating fines for overdue adult materials as well.

    Click here to read the full article.

  • Locating specific information using a search engine can sometimes lead to frustration. This article showcases how the library can help with a wellspring of information resources to narrow your search and eliminate unwanted results.

    Click here to read the full article.

Podcast Episodes & Releases:

To aid in the promotion of author Eric Nusbaum’s book release, Stealing Home: Los Angeles, the Dodgers, and the Lives, I researched, wrote, edited and recorded a joint podcast between L.A. Meekly and Glendale Library Arts & Culture. The program detailed three similar stories of displacement in Los Angles.

Brand Library and Art Center Audio Tour

In 2020 I wrote and recorded an audio tour of the beautiful Brand Library and Art Center. It was done in an old radio-show style, featuring my then co-worker, Shannon Brogran, who lended me her voice talents and moxie. Have a look and listen below:

  • Read the Brand Library Audio Tour Script HERE


In October 2020, The City of Glendale finally acknowledged their long rumored history of being a “sundown town”, a place not welcoming to people of color once the sun set.

The Reflectspace Gallery curated an interactive show detailing the history, for which I was part of a team that researched, wrote and edited the contextual information.

The below links are broken down sections from the overall online exhibition. Because it is an interactive website, you are welcome to explore and read the articles linked to each icons around the map.

  • A short history on the Ku Klax Klan’s insidious existence in Glendale.

    "KKK in Glendale"

  • A short history on The Bund Party in La Crescenta, the American Nazi Party in Glendale.

    “Nazis in Glendale”

  • A short history of racial exclusion in Glendale, including the incidencts at the Glen-Deli eatery.

    “Get Out of Town”

  • The 21st century has dragged a history of social injustice into the light, forcing establishments to reckon with their ugly past. But what will they do about it?

    “Be The Change”